The Mysterious Case of the Apache httpd Cache Response ‘MISS from’ Issue
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The Mysterious Case of the Apache httpd Cache Response ‘MISS from’ Issue

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Have you ever encountered the enigmatic error message “Cache Response ‘MISS from'” while configuring your Apache httpd server? If so, you’re not alone! This issue has been perplexing developers and system administrators for years, leaving them scratching their heads in frustration. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify this pesky problem and provide you with a comprehensive guide to resolve it once and for all!

What is Apache httpd Cache Response?

Before we delve into the ‘MISS from’ issue, let’s take a step back and understand what Apache httpd cache response is all about. Apache httpd, also known as Apache HTTP Server, is a popular open-source web server software that enables you to host websites and serve web content. One of its key features is caching, which allows it to store frequently accessed resources in memory to reduce the load on your server and improve response times.

The cache response refers to the mechanism by which Apache httpd responds to incoming requests by serving cached content instead of re-fetching it from the origin server. This caching layer can be configured using various directives in the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf or apache2.conf, depending on your system).

The ‘MISS from’ Issue: A Closer Look

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive deeper into the mystery of the ‘MISS from’ issue. When you encounter this error, it typically appears in your Apache error log (error.log) like this:

[Tue Mar 15 14:30:00 2022] [-cache] [client] Cache Response 'MISS from'

This message indicates that Apache httpd has failed to retrieve a cached response for the requested resource from the specified domain ( But what does this really mean, and why is it happening?

Possible Causes of the ‘MISS from’ Issue

After conducting an exhaustive investigation, we’ve identified several potential causes for this issue. Don’t worry; we’ll explore each of these in detail to help you pinpoint the root cause of your problem.

  1. Incorrect Cache Configuration

  2. One of the most common causes of the ‘MISS from’ issue is an incorrect cache configuration. If your cache settings are not properly defined, Apache httpd may struggle to retrieve cached responses, resulting in this error message.

    # Incorrect cache configuration
    CacheEnable disk /
    CacheDirLevels 2
    CacheDirLength 1

    Make sure to review your cache configuration and adjust the settings according to your needs.

  3. Expired or Incomplete Cache Entries

  4. Another possible cause is expired or incomplete cache entries. If the cached response has expired or is incomplete, Apache httpd will issue a ‘MISS’ response.

                # Check cache entries
                CacheControl max-age=3600

    Verify that your cache entries are valid and updated regularly to avoid this issue.

  5. Misconfigured DNS or Reverse Proxy

  6. Misconfigured DNS or reverse proxy settings can also lead to the ‘MISS from’ issue. Ensure that your DNS resolves correctly and your reverse proxy is properly configured.

    # DNS misconfiguration

    # Reverse proxy misconfiguration
    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

    Double-check your DNS and reverse proxy settings to rule out any misconfiguration.

  7. Resource Not Found or Forbidden

  8. Sometimes, the requested resource might not exist or be forbidden, causing the ‘MISS’ response. Ensure that the requested resource is available and accessible.

    # Resource not found

    Options -Indexes
    AllowOverride None

    Verify that the requested resource exists and is accessible by checking the file system and permissions.

  9. Apache httpd Version or Module Issues

  10. Lastly, issues with your Apache httpd version or specific modules can also cause the ‘MISS from’ issue. Ensure that you’re running a compatible version of Apache httpd and that all required modules are loaded.

    # Apache httpd version issue
    ServerTokens Prod
    ServerRoot /etc/apache2

    # Module issue
    LoadModule cache_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

    Check your Apache httpd version and module configuration to rule out any issues.

Troubleshooting and Resolution Strategies

Now that we’ve explored the possible causes of the ‘MISS from’ issue, let’s dive into some troubleshooting and resolution strategies to help you overcome this problem.

Step 1: Enable Apache httpd Debugging

To better understand the issue, enable Apache httpd debugging by adding the following directives to your configuration file:

LogLevel debug
DebugLevel 9

This will provide you with more detailed error messages and help you identify the root cause of the issue.

Step 2: Check Cache Configuration and Cache Entries

Verify that your cache configuration is correct, and cache entries are valid and up-to-date. You can use tools like apachectl -t or httpd -t to test your configuration.

Step 3: Inspect DNS and Reverse Proxy Settings

Check your DNS settings to ensure that they resolve correctly, and your reverse proxy is properly configured. You can use tools like dig or nslookup to verify DNS resolution.

Step 4: Verify Resource Availability and Accessibility

Ensure that the requested resource exists and is accessible by checking the file system and permissions.

Step 5: Update Apache httpd Version and Modules

Make sure you’re running a compatible version of Apache httpd, and all required modules are loaded. You can use the apachectl -V or httpd -V command to check your Apache httpd version.

Step 6: Analyze Apache httpd Error Logs

Study your Apache httpd error logs to identify any patterns or clues that might indicate the root cause of the issue.

Step 7: Consult Online Resources and Community Forums

If you’re still struggling to resolve the issue, consult online resources and community forums, such as the Apache httpd documentation, Stack Overflow, or Server Fault.

Resource Description
Apache httpd Documentation Official Apache httpd documentation
Stack Overflow Q&A platform for developers and sysadmins
Server Fault Q&A platform for system administrators


In conclusion, the ‘MISS from’ issue is a complex problem that requires a systematic approach to diagnose and resolve. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the root cause of the issue. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and methodically work through each possible cause to ensure a successful resolution.

If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy troubleshooting!

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  • Stay tuned for more exciting articles on Apache httpd and web development!

Here are 5 FAQs about the “Apache httpd Cache Response ‘MISS from’ Issue”

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on resolving that pesky ‘MISS from’ issue in Apache httpd cache response!

What does the ‘MISS from’ message in Apache httpd cache response mean?

The ‘MISS from’ message indicates that the requested resource was not found in the cache and a new request was sent to the origin server ( to fetch the resource. This can lead to slower load times and increased latency.

Why does the ‘MISS from’ issue occur in Apache httpd cache response?

The ‘MISS from’ issue can occur due to various reasons such as incorrect cache configuration, expired cache, cache timeout, cache headers not set correctly, or the cache not being enabled for the requested resource.

How can I troubleshoot the ‘MISS from’ issue in Apache httpd cache response?

To troubleshoot the issue, check the Apache httpd cache configuration, verify the cache headers, and ensure the cache is enabled for the requested resource. You can also use tools like curl or Wireshark to inspect the HTTP headers and diagnose the issue.

What are some common solutions to the ‘MISS from’ issue in Apache httpd cache response?

Common solutions include configuring the cache correctly, setting the Cache-Control header, enabling the cache for the requested resource, increasing the cache timeout, and using a caching reverse proxy like Varnish or Nginx.

How can I prevent the ‘MISS from’ issue from happening again in Apache httpd cache response?

To prevent the issue, regularly review and update your cache configuration, monitor cache performance, and implement a robust caching strategy. Additionally, ensure that your application and content delivery network (CDN) are properly configured to work with the cache.

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