How do you put environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD into Dockerfile without using docker-compose?
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How do you put environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD into Dockerfile without using docker-compose?

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Are you tired of struggling to pass environment variables to your Docker container? Are you wondering how to put the environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD into your Dockerfile without using docker-compose? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to solve this exact problem.

Why Do You Need Environment Variables in Docker?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly cover why environment variables are essential in Docker. Environment variables allow you to configure your container’s behavior without hardcoding values into your image. They enable you to:

  • Store sensitive information like passwords and API keys securely
  • Configure database connections and other dependencies
  • Tune application settings for different environments (dev, prod, staging)

In the case of Postgres, the POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable is crucial for setting the password for the default PostgreSQL user.

Passing Environment Variables to Docker using ARG and ENV

Now, let’s explore how to pass environment variables to your Docker container using the ARG and ENV instructions in your Dockerfile.

ARG Instruction

The ARG instruction allows you to define a variable that can be used during the build process. You can think of it as a way to “import” a variable from the outside world into your Dockerfile.


In the above example, we’re defining an ARG called POSTGRES_PASSWORD. When you run the Docker build command, you’ll need to pass the value for this variable as an argument.

ENV Instruction

The ENV instruction sets an environment variable inside the container. It’s similar to setting an environment variable on your local machine, but this time, it’s inside the Docker container.


In this example, we’re setting an ENV variable called POSTGRES_PASSWORD and assigning it the value of the ARG variable with the same name.

Putting it all Together: A Sample Dockerfile

Here’s a sample Dockerfile that demonstrates how to use ARG and ENV to set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD variable:

FROM postgres





CMD ["postgres", "-c", "listen_addresses=*\*"]

In this example, we’re using the official Postgres image as our base image. We define an ARG called POSTGRES_PASSWORD, set it as an ENV variable, and then set additional ENV variables for the Postgres user and database.

Building the Docker Image with Environment Variables

To build the Docker image, you’ll need to pass the value for the POSTGRES_PASSWORD ARG as an argument during the build process:

docker build -t mypostgres --build-arg POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword .

In this example, we’re building a Docker image with the tag “mypostgres” and passing the value “mypassword” for the POSTGRES_PASSWORD ARG.

Running the Docker Container with Environment Variables

When you run the Docker container, the ENV variables will be set automatically:

docker run -p 5432:5432 mypostgres

In this example, we’re running the Docker container with the tag “mypostgres” and mapping port 5432 from the container to port 5432 on the host machine.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to put the environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD into a Dockerfile without using docker-compose. By using ARG and ENV instructions, you can securely pass sensitive information to your Docker container and configure it for different environments.

Remember, environment variables are essential for making your Docker containers flexible and configurable. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create more robust and maintainable Docker images for your applications.

Keyword Definition
Environment Variable A variable that is set outside of a program and is used to configure its behavior
ARG Instruction Defines a variable that can be used during the Docker build process
ENV Instruction Sets an environment variable inside the Docker container
Dockerfile A text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image

By following the instructions in this article, you should now be able to put the environment variable POSTGRES_PASSWORD into your Dockerfile without using docker-compose. Happy Dockerizing!

Further Reading:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Docker and environment variables!

How do I set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable in a Dockerfile without using docker-compose?

You can use the ENV instruction in your Dockerfile to set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable. For example: ENV POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword. This will set the environment variable when the Docker image is built.

What if I want to keep my password secure and not hardcode it in the Dockerfile?

You can use Docker’s build-time argument feature to pass the password as an argument when building the image. In your Dockerfile, use the ARG instruction to define the argument, and then set the environment variable using the ENV instruction. For example: ARG POSTGRES_PASSWORD; ENV POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD. Then, when building the image, pass the password as an argument: docker build –build-arg POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword.

Can I use a secrets file to store the password and then load it in the Dockerfile?

Yes, you can! Docker provides a feature called Docker secrets, which allows you to store sensitive data such as passwords in a secrets file. You can then load the secrets file in your Dockerfile using the –secret flag. For example: docker build –secret id=mysecret,src=mysecrets.txt. Then, in your Dockerfile, you can use the RUN instruction to load the secret: RUN –mount=type=secret,id=mysecret mysecrets.txt.

What are the advantages of using environment variables in a Dockerfile?

Using environment variables in a Dockerfile provides several benefits, including flexibility, security, and maintainability. You can easily switch between different environments (e.g., dev, prod) by changing the environment variables. Environment variables also allow you to keep sensitive data such as passwords out of your codebase. Plus, they make it easy to manage and update configuration settings across multiple containers.

Are there any best practices for using environment variables in a Dockerfile?

Yes, there are several best practices to keep in mind when using environment variables in a Dockerfile. Firstly, avoid hardcoding sensitive data such as passwords. Use ARG or secrets to pass sensitive data. Secondly, use specific and descriptive names for your environment variables. Finally, consider using a separate file for environment variables, such as a .env file, to keep them organized and easy to manage.